Saturday, October 9, 2010

Apple Pie

Is there anything homier than apple pie? I baked two apple pies this morning in preparation for Josh's homecoming. Apple pie is his favorite, and I wanted to have it ready for tomorrow. Everything about this food says comfort. The smell, the look, the feel of the crust between my fingers as I pinch the edges, and of course the wonderful taste! I rarely make pie, not because we don't like it, but I guess because we do! We certainly don't need the calories, but there is just something about a homemade pie that says love.
It is a beautiful fall day in Missouri. Warm temperatures, bright sunshine, soft breeze through the leaves. Scott has spent the day here cutting wood to sell to supplement their income. It is a hard way to earn extra dollars, but when jobs are scarce and dead trees are plentiful, it can work. Randy is enjoying a rare weekend off of late, the kids are napping, and I am still cooking. In addition to the pie, I made some oatmeal, raisin, nut cookies, also a favorite of Josh's. It has been quite a while since I cooked for him.
I have to admit that I love days like this. They seem to come too rarely, and end too soon, but I plan on enjoying every minute while I can! Happy October.

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