Sunday, March 25, 2012

New Kid in Town!

Step aside old tractors and skid loader, there is a new kid in town!  Yes, my husband wore me down and we are now the proud owners of a new tractor.  I am really not sure which "kid" is more excited!  Randy knows how to persuade me, and we are now in the process of consolidating all of our very old, very used machines to welcome this new shiny red tractor in!  He has sold our old dump truck (good bye red neck field), probably has his skid loader sold, has one old tractor in the shop before advertising it, and his "baby", a 1934 gray Ferguson (before there was a Massey) will be photographed and advertised soon.  The gray Ferguson was a gift from his Dad about 25 years ago, and it will be hard to see it go.  It was too small to be very useful, and we just aren't the type to go to antique tractor shows, so it will be sold.  If Randy had his way, he would probably keep everything he ever owned, but our barn is only so big, and the spill over (a field away from the house, but still. . . ) was beginning to look like a final resting place for farm equipment, so the great compromise was signed!
So, whatever the back story, the kids are loving this new tractor.  We watched Papa brush hog the little bottom yesterday and it was some kind of exciting! 

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