Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Mason's funny. . .

I went shopping with Amanda and the kids last night after work. Shopping with a 3 and 6 year old has its specific challenges, not to mention I had already worked all day and was tired. The kids were getting restless and Amanda was pulling out all the tricks to get just a few more minutes out of the kids. We pulled up to the last store and Amanda said; "When we get finished here. . . we will get some ice cream". From the back seat, Maddison said; "I knew you were going to say that Mommy, I knew you were going to let us get ice cream". I said to Maddison, "So, you think your Mom's predictable?" Mason, apparently feeling the need to defend his mom, piped right up with; "My mom is not that. . . she is very, very nice." I started to explain to Mason what predictable meant, but by the time I stopped laughing, he was already interested in something else. Mason's quick wit and constant dialog never fail to amaze and amuse me. He is a fellow in constant movement and motion, of both his body and his mind!

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