Wednesday, March 23, 2011


My goodness people. It has been one hit after the other lately with the checkbook. First our homeowners insurance was due. I wrote out one big check (double what it was 15 years ago when we moved here). Then there was the check for our automobile deductible (Randy hit 2 deer with his truck). And today, over lunch, I picked up our taxes from the tax lady. Yikes! Lets just say we have underpaid Uncle Sam all year. And now he wants his due. My financial goals have taken a hit with all of these huge expenses. It is so incredibly hard to get ahead and we have no children at home, we both work full time and have good benefits. I cannot imagine how young families and people starting out do it. The only consolation I got today was after I picked up the taxes, I went to Subway for lunch (who could afford more?) I was sharing our tax news with a friend who works there, and she told me that a few years ago her husband ran his own business. She wasn't working at all. When they had their taxes done, they owed $10,000 to the IRS. Well, my check might be large, but it is not that big. I guess it could always be worse.

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