Monday, August 2, 2010

I am not used to being alone. I sometimes wish for some alone time, but when I find myself by myself it is a strange feeling. Tonight is one of those rare occassions when I am at home without anyone with me. I can't say that I am especially fond of this. What did I decide to do with my quiet evening? Well, I know what I should be doing. . . cleaning, sorting, organizing. But instead I am blogging and listening to Pandora radio (back to back they played Dust in the Wind and then Blowing in the Wind. . . how odd is that?). The house is dark and comfortably cool. There is not a light or person in sight. It has given me much time to reflect on life, mine in particular. The conclusions I have made are very sweet (I am one lucky lady). Somehow knowing that several of my family are miles and miles away is a lonely feeling. I am trying not to think of the many, many people who live with this loneliness day after day. . . I am trying to stay lighthearted and happy. And even though I am happy, the lonely feelings keep creeping into my brain. I think I know now why people lose themselves in endless hours of television. . . it gives them lots of ways to occupy their brain to push out the thoughts and wanderings they may not want to let in. I am almost positive that being alone sometimes is good for the soul. It makes you really appreciate having loved ones around you. I will make it through this lonely, and quiet time. . . but I think I will appreciate the not so quiet times a little more.

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